Cake Stand Blocks Diners from Entering CafeWorld
The problem is you could miss the sign, I almost did. The image below seems to show the were the wedding cake stand was delivered. It appeared to be delivered right at your door, inside the Cafe, blocking the entrance.
Now if your restaurant happened to only have one door, what was happening, is that persons would not be able to get in and would stream pass your Cafe. So keep a look out for it and if you see it, remove it from the door so your guests can come in, and you can earn some money.
As your neighbours ask you for help, and you help, you will be offered two gifts like, 'Delicious Chocolate Cake', for a reward of 500 Coins or 'Red Velvet Cake' for a reward of 50 Points. My option would be to choose the 50 Cafe Points. Points are premuim in Cafe World.

Three Layer Wedding Cake in Cafe World
The cake that you will prepare for the wedding appears to be a three layer cake with icing and decorations. For each step of the way you can ask for help or as usual if you feel so inclined you can spend some real cash and purchase the ingredients.

So once again you have thirteen days in this promotion to save the wedding by preparing the wedding cake. At the end, March 30 or March 31, 2010, Cafe World promises an awesome price. I wonder what that is?
Is anyone else having problems with getting clicks registered? My friends keep clicking, and clicking, going through all the steps, and -- if the clicks register at all -- they often disappear after an hour. I got as far as baking my third layer, and the next time I checked I was back on my second layer with two more clicks needed. I've even watched as one click needed changed to two.
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be a problem at times. Ensure you are not using any of those 'cheating' links to speed up the process. Cafe World(Zynga) often quietly corrects this.
ReplyDeleteThat happens to me too! I was halfway done with my third layer, but now I have start the third layer all over!! I'm not using any cheats either. Why is this happening?!?!
ReplyDeleteI'm having a lot of trouble also. They aren't registering, and my days left count keeps changing and going back and forth. I'm not using an cheats, I'm just asking for help almost everyday.
ReplyDeleteI have been also getting problems. My cake still says 13 days left. And all my help request I have been sending have not been working. Some friends report clicking the link and then the page forwards them to the Cafe World home page.
ReplyDeleteMy cake hasn't changed in 3 days.
Yeah my friends said they can't send stuff either! They should give us all free cakes because it's so glitched!
ReplyDeleteI have a post on my home page asking friends to help me finish the cake 80 percent already done. Today I'm back to 60 percent and my friends are getting a bit tired of sending help that doesn't arrive always. Next time I'm definetly saying NO to any challendges or giving up playing altogether. I have never used any cheats.
ReplyDeleteI'm having the same problem, I was at 60% today and now it's back to 52%. I haven't even got a clue what the cheating links are!
ReplyDeleteI am having the same issue. I only need about 2 more clicks to finish my third layer, But next time I log in it resets it back so I have to get 9 again. And it keeps happening! I have NEVER cheated in Cafe world I just send requests everyday. *Sigh* Atleast I'm not the only one this is happening to
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback Please see Cafe World Wedding Cake Issues being addressed
ReplyDeletei was at 82% and back to 62% again and again and again.............................................................................................
ReplyDeleteI have been having the same issue...I have baked the wedding cake's 3rd layer about 3 times now...each time I do it, it shows it as baked...then then next time I log in, it goes back to 2 layers...and the time on my cake keeps rolling....Zynga's website says they are trying to fix the issue....but I only have 22 hours left!!! They should let everyone participating just have the points for the cake and take it out of the program all together
ReplyDeleteI got really tired remaking my progress after my cake dropped back to 62 percent over and over again. And no, I don't use cheats. However, I finally managed to complete the challenge and the cake remained completed for a couple of days. Now I have 2 days remaining, and surprise! I'm back to 62 percent. I've had enough. Keep your cursed cake, demon bride.
ReplyDeleteI don't use cheats either. I've finished the damn cake one day and the next morning it was back to the 3rd layer. And before finishing it I've realized that there was a problem with this cake activity, but I thought that finishing the cake would do it. No, it doesn't and I've had enough of this stupid cake.
ReplyDeleteI don't use cheats and neither does any of my family or friends. The cake simply reverts back to the beginning or middle. I have spent cash to finish, got congratulated, and then low an behold, the next day I was right back where I was when I spent my cash. You get coins and 2 cash when completed, the cash doesn't go away, but the cake does.
ReplyDeleteAs you can see on the Zynga help page, there is a problem with the wedding cakes, I hope that they will fix it fast.
ReplyDelete"We are aware of an issue with Wedding Cakes not saving progress correctly.
We suggest that you refrain from purchasing the missing parts of your Wedding Cake while we work out this issue. Your Wedding Cake will not expire, and you will have the chance to complete is as soon as this issue has been resolved."
well I missed the deadline and now I can't even remove the cake from my cafe....I just want to to disappear you can't click on it or move it or anything!
ReplyDeletehi i almost completed my wedding cake but when i open my cafe page today it is not there ..... how can i find it
ReplyDeletemy day pasted for cake what to get rid of stand can not help.
ReplyDeleteMany of my friend click to help out but it still remain the same layer